Italialainen jogurttikakku Tämän ohjeen lähetti Marco Lackovic Italiasta. Käytin oliiviöljyä (ei tainnut olla extraneitsytöljyä), tavallisia vehnäjauhoja ja teelusikallisen soodaa puoleen annokseen. Puoli annosta ei aivan täyttänyt rengasvuokaa, mutta kokonainen olisi varmaan tullut yli. Ingredients: + 2 yoghurt jars (choose the taste that you like, I like banana or pineapple) Don't drop the jars because and use them as quantities for the other ingredients: + 2 (jars) of vegetable oil + 4 of sugar + 6 of flour (00) (that is double zero, more refined, for sweets) + 6 eggs + 1 sachet of baking powder (for sweets) + the grated skin of one lemon (not essential, but it gives a good smell, and be careful to grate only the yellow part, because the white part underneath is bitter; if you don't have a grater with fine weft you may use a serrated knife) Preparation: Put all together (only the baking powder as last one, after you had mixed everything) in a capacious bowl, whip it with whips (or simply two forks if you don't have whips), and pour it in a cake tin (even ring-shaped, if you have it) which EARLIER you remembered to greased it properly (all) and cover it with flour (shake away the flour in excess). Put it in the oven already warm (that is turn it on when you start to prepare the cake) at 180-190 C, and after about 3/4 of an hour if it is nicely golden then it is ready. If you want to be sure, increase the oven temperature at the maximum, open it, drive into the cake a long toothpick, look at it, if it is dry then it is well cooked, if it is still humid then leave it a little more into the oven: in this case close the oven, lower the temperature and wait a little more. Marco