JAKSOJÄRJESTYS -------------- 2006-06-01 (Päivitetty 2014-07-02) Tämä on mahdollisimman ristiriidaton Babylon 5:n jaksojärjestys. Jaksojärjestys perustui alunperin Kehvan M. Zydhekin USENET-viestiin, mutta sitä on muutettu muun muassa siten, ettei viidennen kauden "Day of the Dead" riko juonijatkumoa enempää kuin mikä on ehdottoman pakollista (täysin saumattomasti jakso ei osu mihinkään kohtaan). Ehdotukseni on jättää tv-elokuvat "The Gatheringiä" lukuun ottamatta kokonaan väliin ja katsoa ne vasta koko sarjan päätteeksi, jos sittenkään. Jos haluaa katsoa Crusaden, niin "A Call to Arms" pitää katsoa ensin. Movie: "The Gathering" (Pilotti, Special Edition jos saatavilla) 1-1-1 "Midnight on the Firing Line" 1-1-2 "Soul Hunter" 1-1-3 "Born to the Purple" 1-1-4 "Infection" 1-2-1 "The Parliament of Dreams" 1-2-2 "Mind War" 1-2-3 "The War Prayer" 1-2-4 "And the Sky Full of Stars" 1-3-1 "Deathwalker" 1-3-2 "Believers" 1-3-3 "Survivors" 1-3-4 "By Any Means Necessary" 1-4-1 "Signs and Portents" 1-4-3 "Grail" (hyppy) 1-4-4 "Eyes" 1-5-2 "A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1" (hyppy) 1-5-3 "A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 2" 1-5-4 "Babylon Squared" 1-6-1 "The Quality of Mercy" 1-4-2 "TKO" (hyppy) 1-5-1 "Legacies" (hyppy) 1-6-2 "Chrysalis" (hyppy) 2-1-1 "Points of Departure" 2-1-2 "Revelations" 2-1-3 "The Geometry of Shadows" 2-1-4 "A Distant Star" 2-2-1 "The Long Dark" 2-2-2 "A Spider in the Web" 2-2-4 "A Race Through Dark Places" (hyppy) 2-2-3 "Soul Mates" (hyppy) 2-3-1 "The Coming of Shadows" (hyppy) 2-3-2 "GROPOS" 2-3-3 "All Alone in the Night" 2-3-4 "Acts of Sacrifice" 2-4-1 "Hunter, Prey" 2-4-2 "There All the Honor Lies" 2-4-3 "And Now for a Word" 2-5-1 "Knives" (hyppy) 2-4-4 "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum" (hyppy) 2-5-2 "Confessions and Lamentations" (hyppy) 2-5-3 "Divided Loyalties" 2-5-4 "The Long, Twilight Struggle" 2-6-1 "Comes the Inquisitor" 2-6-2 "The Fall of Night" 3-1-1 "Matters of Honor" 3-1-2 "Convictions" 3-1-3 "A Day in the Strife" 3-1-4 "Passing Through Gethsemane" 3-2-1 "Voices of Authority" 3-2-2 "Dust to Dust" 3-2-3 "Exogenesis" 3-2-4 "Messages from Earth" 3-3-1 "Point of No Return" 3-3-2 "Severed Dreams" 3-3-3 "Ceremonies of Light and Dark" 3-4-1 "A Late Delivery from Avalon" (hyppy) 3-3-4 "Sic Transit Vir" (hyppy) 3-4-2 "Ship of Tears" (hyppy) 3-4-3 "Interludes and Examinations" 3-5-2 "Walkabout" (hyppy) 3-4-4 "War Without End, Part 1" (hyppy) 3-5-1 "War Without End, Part 2" 3-5-3 "Grey 17 is Missing" (hyppy) 3-5-4 "And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place" 3-6-1 "Shadow Dancing" 3-6-2 "Z'ha'dum" 4-1-1 "The Hour of the Wolf" 4-1-2 "Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?" 4-1-3 "The Summoning" 4-1-4 "Falling Toward Apotheosis" 4-2-1 "The Long Night" 4-2-2 "Into the Fire" 4-2-3 "Epiphanies" 4-2-4 "The Illusion of Truth" 4-3-1 "Atonement" 4-3-2 "Racing Mars" 4-3-3 "Lines of Communication" 4-3-4 "Conflicts of Interest" 4-4-1 "Rumors, Bargains and Lies" 4-4-2 "Moments of Transition" 4-4-3 "No Surrender, No Retreat" 4-4-4 "The Exercize of Vital Powers" 4-5-1 "The Face of the Enemy" 4-5-2 "Intersections in Real Time" 4-5-3 "Between the Darkness and the Light" 4-5-4 "Endgame" 4-6-1 "Rising Star" 4-6-2 "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars" Movie: "Thirdspace" (Tai jätä mieluummin kokonaan katsomatta.) 5-1-1 "No Compromises" 5-1-2 "The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari" 5-1-3 "The Paragon of Animals" 5-1-4 "A View from the Gallery" 5-2-1 "Learning Curve" 5-2-4 "Day of the Dead" (hyppy) 5-2-2 "Strange Relations" (hyppy) 5-2-3 "Secrets of the Soul" 5-3-1 "In the Kingdom of the Blind" (hyppy) 5-3-2 "A Tragedy of Telepaths" 5-3-3 "Phoenix Rising" 5-3-4 "The Ragged Edge" 5-4-1 "The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father" 5-4-2 "Meditations on the Abyss" 5-4-3 "Darkness Ascending" 5-4-4 "And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder" 5-5-1 "Movements of Fire and Shadow" 5-5-2 "The Fall of Centauri Prime" 5-5-3 "The Wheel of Fire" 5-5-4 "Objects in Motion" 5-6-1 "Objects at Rest" 5-6-2 "Sleeping in Light" Movie: "In the Beginning" (Ihan ok.) Movie: "River of Souls" (Et paljoa menetä, ellet katso.) Movie: "The Legend of the Rangers" (Jätä väliin.) Movie: "A Call to Arms" (Ihan hyvä alustus Crusadelle.) Crusade: "War Zone" Crusade: "Racing the Night" Crusade: "The Needs of Earth" Crusade: "The Memory of War" Crusade: "The Long Road" Crusade: "Visitors from Down the Street" Crusade: "The Well of Forever" Crusade: "Ruling from the Tomb" Crusade: "Patterns of the Soul" Crusade: "Each Night I Dream of Home" Crusade: "The Path of Sorrows" Crusade: "The Rules of the Game" Crusade: "Appearances and Other Deceits" "The Lost Tales: Voices in the Dark" (Jätä suosiolla väliin.)